My ideas throughout the Alchemist Essay show some good couldn't but I could have been more creative and more in depth with my writing. For being able to go more in depth, I could have had clearer examples so the viewer/reader could understand what I was processing about the book. In my writing it has some pretty good organization to it but I easily did well with keeping the paragraph's in correct order like a time line of the story. I could have been clearer on my explanations from the quotes, and reasoning's so I could be better organized throughout the writing. Between my Alchemist, and my Julius Caesar Essay I did worse than at the beginning of the year, because I couldn't finish my Julius Caesar Essay in time so it brought my whole grade down.
Julius Caesar Essay:
My ideas and conclusions throughout the Julius Caesar Essay showed average creativeness, but they were very simple and short. For me to be more successful in the future with showing my ideas, I can provide better and clearer evidence & time to write/think through everything. My writing is a good order and good presentation, but I lack all of the information I need. For example I got through the first two paragraphs but I didn't have time to do the third so I did the conslusion. I could do better on budgetting my time so I could finish everything, and try to follow the rubrics well and efficiently. Between my Alchemist Essay, and my Julius Caesar I did worse than at the beginnning of the year, because I couldn't finish my Julius Caesar Essay in time so it brought my whole grade down.