Overcoming Fear
Fear cries to a young man and his lonely life. Panicked about being on his own in a diminutive world.
Ready to rise above and defeat his fear and silent life.
He holds his head high and walks on.
By: R . S
Alchemist Theme
During "The Alchemist" their written, were many challenging
and confusing themes but overcoming fear just seemed to stand out from the others. Santiago the main character in the book, conquers the theme of fear by gaining confidence in himself and by standing up to any challenge. On page 105-108, shows how Santiago stands up against the Alchemist under a piercing scimitar positioned on his forehead. Santiago has gained and learned so much through his journey, because he has meet new and intellegent people along the way. The past young sheperd boy is now a present desert traveler. He seecks dreams that are extroardinary and now he has succeded just one more.
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